Vehicle accidents continue to be the main cause of workplace fatalities in many countries. This Workplace Health & Safety Poster is designed to remind workers who drive as part of their job to calm down on the road - it's not a race! The mindset that somehow they are on a racetrack contributes to tunnel vision, loss of attention, unsafe driving and even road rage.
The poster allows Safety Officers to engage drivers on the four attributes they should focus on: SAFELY, LEGALLY, RESPONSIBLY, RESPECTFULLY. Workers should contribute to what things come under those areas which are not mentioned on the poster.
Free Graphics are also available for workplaces to use to support this poster: Better Safe & Late Than Not At All; Better to Arrive Late Than Not At All!; and It's Not a Race!
These are available on the Free Poster Graphics Page.
It's Not a Race Driving Safety Poster
All posters ordered in Australian Sizes have Australian (UK) Spelling.
All posters ordered in US Sizes have US Spelling.